Namespace: build


Builds the application.

Runs sequentially:

  1. clean
  2. test:build
  3. lint
  4. partials, styles
  5. inject
  6. inject:partials
  7. unknown
  8. build:compile
  9. assets:dist, version


(private, static) build:compile

Compiles the application.

The sequence of compiling the application to a distribution is as follows:

  1. Add ngStrictDi to the same element as the ngApp is attached to.
  2. Substitute the string VERSION in the index.html with the package.json's version.
  3. Revision the static assets by appending the content hash to their filename.
  4. Automatically generate dependency annotations for Angular components with ngAnnotate.
  5. Minify the scripts and generate sourcemaps.
  6. Minify and optimize the styles with csso.
  7. Concatenate, minify and update the references in the index.html's build blocks.
  8. Rename the references to their revisioned counterpart.
  9. Move everything to the folder.

Used internally by build. Relies on to be present.
