'use strict';
module.exports = function(gulp, $, config, _) {
var pjson = require($.path.join(process.cwd(), 'package.json'));
* Builds the application.
* Runs sequentially:
* 1. {@link clean}
* 2. {@link test test:build}
* 3. {@link lint}
* 4. {@link partials}, {@link styles}
* 5. {@link inject}
* 6. {@link inject inject:partials}
* 7. {@link unknown}
* 8. {@link build build:compile}
* 9. {@link assets assets:dist}, {@link version}
* @public
* @namespace build
gulp.task('build', function (done) {
['partials', 'styles'],
['assets:dist', 'version'],
* Compiles the application.
* The sequence of compiling the application to a distribution is as follows:
* 1. Add `ngStrictDi` to the same element as the `ngApp` is attached to.
* 2. Substitute the string `VERSION` in the `index.html` with the `package.json`'s version.
* 3. Revision the static assets by appending the content hash to their filename.
* 4. Automatically generate dependency annotations for Angular components with `ngAnnotate`.
* 5. Minify the scripts and generate sourcemaps.
* 6. Minify and optimize the styles with `csso`.
* 7. Concatenate, minify and update the references in the `index.html`'s build blocks.
* 8. Rename the references to their revisioned counterpart.
* 9. Move everything to the `paths.build.dist.base` folder.
* Used internally by {@link build}. Relies on `paths.build.tmp.mainHtml` to be present.
* @private
* @name build:compile
* @memberof build
gulp.task('build:compile', function () {
// Assets references statically in the index.html
var assets = $.useref.assets({
searchPath: [
// All JS files and subset of the assets
var jsFilter = $.filter('**/*.js', {
dot: true,
restore: true
// All CSS files and subset of the assets
var cssFilter = $.filter('**/*.css', {
dot: true,
restore: true
// Do everything on the basis of the temporary index.html which is created by previous build steps.
return gulp.src(config.paths.build.tmp.mainHtml)
// Add ngStrictDi directive
// Substitute VERSION with package.json's version once
// Get Assets
// Revision them
// Get all JS files
// Annotate functions for Angular's DI
// Create sourcemaps for these files
// Minify JS files
.pipe($.uglify(_.extend(config.consts.uglify, {
preserveComments: $.uglifySaveLicense
// Write sourcemaps to the same directory as the JS files
// Restore filtered files
// Get CSS files
// Optimize CSS files
// Restore filtered files
// Restore all assets
// Handle build blocks
// Replace references by revisioned filenames
// Write to dist
title: 'build'
// Adds the ngStrictDi to the same element as the ngApp is attached to.
function enableStrictDI() {
return $.replace(/ng\-app="[^"]*"/g, '$& ng-strict-di');
// Substitutes the string VERSION with the package.json's version once.
function writeVersion() {
return $.replace(/VERSION/, pjson.version);