'use strict';
module.exports = function (gulp, $, config) {
* Watches styles, scripts, tests, the main HTML for changes.
* If there's a change in:
* * `paths.app.styles` the {@link styles} task is executed.
* * `paths.app.scripts` the {@link lint lint:scripts}, {@link test test:run} tasks are executed. If the change is a new or removed or renamed file, the {@link inject} task is executed additionally.
* * `paths.tests`, the {@link lint lint:tests} and {@link test test:run} task is run.
* * `paths.app.mainHtml` the {@link inject} task is executed.
* * `paths.app.assets` the {@link assets assets:temp} task is executed.
* Used internally by {@link dev}.
* @private
* @namespace watch
gulp.task('watch', function () {
// Styles
gulp.watch(config.paths.app.styles, ['styles']);
// Run tests, lint scripts. If new, removed or renamed file, then inject again.
gulp.watch(config.paths.app.scripts, ['lint:scripts']);
gulp.watch(config.paths.app.scripts, function (event) {
if (event.type !== 'changed') {
gulp.watch(config.paths.app.scripts, ['test:run']);
// Run and lint tests.
gulp.watch(config.paths.tests, ['test:run']);
gulp.watch(config.paths.tests, ['lint:tests']);
// Inject if index.html changes.
gulp.watch(config.paths.app.mainHtml, ['inject']);
// Copies assets to the temporary folder.
gulp.watch(config.paths.app.assets, ['assets:temp']);